News Media Feed Carroll Foundation Trust | British Embassy Warsaw Poland “Closely Monitoring” – President Vladimir Putin Global National Security Interests – HM Queen Elizabeth II Head of State “Sovereign Powers” Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Gerald J. H. Carroll “Sealed Records” – MARYINO HOUSE RYLSK KURSK OBLAST = KIEVAN RUS’ = CARROLL RUSSIA CORPORATION TRUST = UKRAINE = ROYAL HOUSE OF ROMANOV * THE VLADIMIR PALACE SAINT PETERSBURG * KREMLIN SENATE APARTMENTS MOSCOW RUSSIA – United Nations Security Council Most Famous Global Security Case
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British Embassy Warsaw Poland “Closely Monitoring” – President Vladimir Putin Global National Security Interests – HM Queen Elizabeth II Head of State “Sovereign Powers” Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Gerald J. H. Carroll “Sealed Records” – MARYINO HOUSE RYLSK KURSK OBLAST = KIEVAN RUS’ = CARROLL RUSSIA CORPORATION TRUST = UKRAINE = ROYAL HOUSE OF ROMANOV * THE VLADIMIR PALACE SAINT PETERSBURG * KREMLIN SENATE APARTMENTS MOSCOW RUSSIA – United Nations Security Council Most Famous Global Security Case


The Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft offshore tax fraud bribery case has disclosed that yet another UK Law Society firm has been named in the explosive criminal “standard of proof” prosecution files which are currently “held in custody” at Scotland Yard.

Sources have confirmed that the City of London law firm Penningtons Manches premises were penetrated by the FBI Scotland Yard “targeted” Withersworldwide and Goodman Derrick law firms crime syndicate which removed Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust and Carroll Foundation Trust settlement deeds archival records in what was a bungled attempt to destroy a forensic paper trail leading back to this massive City of London bank fraud heist that stretches the globe.

Further sources have said that the “Penningtons Manches blue file” dossiers contain compelling evidential material which surrounds the fraudulent incorporation of a Withers shadow “criminal parallel trust” that effectively embezzled a bewildering two hundred and fifty million dollars of Gerald Carroll’s huge treasury investment holdings which were held the Queen’s bankers Coutts & Co and Barclays International.

In a stunning twist it has emerged that the former HM Government Business Secretary Sir Vince Cable MP concealed a voluminous bundle of compelling criminal evidential material in his capacity as the Minister responsible for Companies House and the Insolvency Service. It is been disclosed that Sir Vince and his lawyers Goodman Derrick “conspired” with two High Court Judges in a bungled attempt to liquidate the Carroll Foundation Trust and the underlying Carroll Trust Corporations which continue to be retained “on register” at Companies House.

The disturbing insights into the Gerald Carroll Trusts debacle follows on from British and American media reports on the case which have revealed that major parts of the Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust Gerald J. H. Carroll “life tenant” records were destroyed at the Pinney Talfourd law firm premises “in concert” with Wortley Byers solicitors Brentwood Essex. It is understood that both firms are also facing major allegations of money laundering tax fraud and obstruction in this case spanning three continents.

Scotland Yard leaked sources have said that the Penningtons Manches former senior partner Jane Simpson is continuing to face major allegations of conspiracy to defraud racketeering and offshore tax fraud offences on an industrial scale “centered around” the Manches merger with Asshetons solicitors formerly based at the Aldwych City of London in this major public interest case.

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